How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags
Picture of A Bloke

A Bloke

How To Remove A Skin Tag

What Is A Skin Tag

A skin tag is basically a small growth on your skin that looks a bit like a wart. They don’t generally cause any harm and can be safely left alone. The main picture above shows an example of a small skin tag. They can get much larger. I had one that was about 5mm wide.

Why Remove A Skin Tag

There are two main reasons why people want to remove a skin tag:

  1. They look unsightly, especially if they are big and on an exposed part of your body, like your face.

  2. They can be a bit of a nuisance if they are located somewhere where they rub and get sore.

I had a biggish skin tag on my hip and it would often rub against my boxer shorts and go red and sore. This was the main reason I wanted it gone.

Is It Safe To Remove Skin Tags Yourself

Yes, it is considered safe to remove skin tags as long as you get them checked first. I got my GP to take a look at my skin tags and she confirmed they were just skin tags.

Note: The GP told me that removal of skin tags can’t be done on the NHS, as it is seen as a cosmetic procedure.

Important: Do not just start removing skin tags without a professional checking them first. This is because you don’t want to mistakenly remove a cancerous mole.

How Can I Remove A Skin Tag

There are a number of ways in which a skin tag can be removed and fortunately, most are cheap and easy to do yourself.

Below is a list of methods that are pretty much guaranteed to work. I’m not one for ‘alternative’ hippy methods unless there really are no other options. Why mess around covering a skin tag with things like banana skin and garlic for weeks on end, when you can just cut the skin tag off

Skin Tags
Skin Tags

1 – Ice and Scissors 

This method is probably only suitable for small skin tags. Basically, you put the ice cube on the skin tag for a few minutes until it goes numb and then cut it off with a pair of sharp scissors……ouch

Make sure that the scissors are sterile and that the area where the skin tag has been removed from is kept clean and protected until it fully heals.

I would say that this method is probably best suited for small skin tags. Cutting off a large skin tag would be pretty damn painful.

2 – Freeze Skin Tags Off

The same freeze treatment to get rid of verrucas and warts, can also be used to get rid of skin tags.

I’ve used the freeze treatment for verrucas in the past and didn’t find it very effective. I also found when using the freeze treatment on my verrucas it was quite painful, giving me small freeze burns.

SaleBestseller No. 1
Cryotag Skin Tag Remover - Fast Effective Safe Skin Tag Removal- Removes Skin Tags in as little as 1 treatment, Clinically Proven, Up to 12 treatments
Cryotag Skin Tag Remover – Fast Effective Safe Skin Tag Removal- Removes Skin Tags in as little as 1 treatment, Clinically Proven, Up to 12 treatments
Removes skin tags in as little as 1 treatment* in your own home; Freezes instantly the skin tag to the core
£20.42 Amazon Prime

3 – Skin Tag Remover Bands

This skin tag removal method involves putting a very tight band around the base of the skin tag. The idea is that the band restricts blood flow to the skin tag, which causes it to die and fall off.

This is the method that I used to get rid of both my small and large skin tags and it worked very well. I’ve written a review of the skin tag removal kit I used, which has details and a few tips on how to get the best out of the removal kit.

4 – Professional Removal

As mentioned earlier, the NHS won’t remove a skin tag unless it is causing health problems. However, there are plenty of dermatologists \ skin clinics that will gladly take your cash and chop off your skin tags.

To find a skin tag professional near you, type something like ‘skin tag near me’ into Google

Going to a professional might be a good option if you have a skin tag in a sensitive place, like on your eyelid……. I wouldn’t fancy freezing or putting a band on a skin tag that’s on my eyelid.

Conclusion: How to remove a skin tag

There are many different online articles describing how to get rid of skin tags. I’m unsure how effective they are; some sound like complete nonsense.

The four methods I’ve described above are the most common and are generally considered to be the most effective ways of getting rid of a skin tags.

I can vouch for the skin tag band method, which I used and got rid of both my skin tags, quickly and with only a small amount of discomfort.

Consult with a healthcare professional for guidance on the most suitable approach and to ensure the safe and effective removal of skin tags.


Frequently Asked Questions: How To Remove Skin Tags

What removes skin tags instantly?

Of the four methods listed above, the only methods that remove skin tags instantly are the ‘Ice and Scissors’ and ‘Professional Removal’ methods.

Do skin tags grow back?

No skin tags do not grow back. You may, by chance, get another skin tag in the same area as one that has been removed.

What causes skin tags?

The main reasons that skin tags develop are friction, genetics, obesity and age.

How to prevent skin tags?

As with most things, prevention is better than cure. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed method of preventing skin tags from growing, since factors like genetics and age play a significant role in their development.

Below are some measures you can take to reduce the risk of developing skin tags:

  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or obese can increase the likelihood of skin tags due to skin folds and friction. 

  2. Reduce Friction: Skin tags often occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. 

  3. Blood Sugar Levels: There’s some evidence to suggest that high blood sugar and insulin resistance may be linked to the development of skin tags. 

  4. Skin Care: Keeping the skin clean and dry can prevent irritation that might lead to skin tag formation. 

  5. Healthy Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support overall skin health and may help prevent skin tags.

  6. Use Barrier Creams: If you’re prone to skin tags due to friction, consider using barrier creams in areas where skin rubs together.



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