I Never Knew That - Fun Everyday FActs
Picture of A Bloke

A Bloke

I Never Knew That

Random everyday things that you might not have realised. Most of the stuff is interesting but useless, but there are a few things that are actually quite useful. Let me know in the comments section if there are any things that you think I should add to the list.

1) Easily Tell Which Side To Fill Your Car Up With Fuel

Which Side Is Car fuel tank

If you drive several cars, it is easy to forget which side the fuel tank is on when you come to fill up. If you look at the car fuel gauge, you will see a little arrow pointing either left or right. The above picture shows my car fuel gauge showing it is filled up on the left side

Bestseller No. 1
CarPlan Unleaded Petrol Fuel Can, Green, 5 Litres
CarPlan Unleaded Petrol Fuel Can, Green, 5 Litres
CarPlan Tetracan 5 litre capacity Unleaded Petrol can; Colour Coded Green for UNLEADED for safe identification of fuels
£6.00 Amazon Prime


2) No Two Decks Of Cards Have Ever & Never Will Be Shuffled In The Same Sequence

Shuffle Playing Cards

The chances of shuffling a deck of cards in the same order more than once is:

1 in 80 658 175 170 943 878 571 660 636 856 403 766 975 289 505 440 883 277 824 000 000 000 000

Check out this website which tries to explain just how massive the number above is.

SaleBestseller No. 1
Waddingtons Number 1 Playing Card Game, play with the classic Red and Blue Twin Pack, great travel companion, gift and toy for Boys, Girls and adults.
Waddingtons Number 1 Playing Card Game, play with the classic Red and Blue Twin Pack, great travel companion, gift and toy for Boys, Girls and adults.
Play with the traditional Waddingtons Number 1 playing cards; Play your favourite card games in the classic red or blue coloured deck


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